
Dental Veneers in Turkey

Best Dental Veneers in Turkey

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One of the most popular treatments among aesthetic dental treatments is undoubtedly Dental Veneers. It is the most preferred laminate veneer among dental veneers. Lamina veneers are a general name given to the application of porcelain and similar veneers, which are as thin as a leaf attached to the front of our teeth. Lamina veneers are not a product name, it is the general name given to all of these processes. Lamina veneers, which have been used successfully in aesthetic dentistry for years, are compatible with other dental procedures and also give long-term successful results.

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Material quality is very important in aesthetic dentistry, but much more important than that is the successful and talented doctor and his team. Noyan Health & Travel offers dental veneers in Turkey via comprehensive services with contracted hospitals and clinics staffed by renowned experienced doctors.


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the most preferred dental veneers?

    Among the most preferred are porcelain, zirconium, laminate veneers, empress, and solid veneers. The method to be preferred in dental veneers varies according to the structure and health status of the tooth. While laminated veneers are sometimes aesthetically sufficient, veneers such as porcelain or zirconium that completely cover the tooth are preferred in case of loss of substance in the deep tooth. Laminated Venner application is an application made to the visible front parts of the teeth. It is done separately for each tooth. Zirconium, porcelain, and monolithic veneers are applied to the entire tooth. It is preferred to perform these procedures on missing teeth, deep caries, and filled teeth.

  • In which cases is Dental veneers applied?

    Dental veneers are important for both aesthetic and healthy jaw function. Some of the most preferred situations are; 

    Teeth that are damaged, broken or chipped for various reasons. 

    Widely spaced, large, small or irregular teeth. 

    Stained, yellow teeth and tooth structure that no longer responds to the whitening process. 

    Wear and tear of tooth enamel that increases with age. 

    In the protection of bridges and implants made to replace the extracted teeth and to be compatible with other teeth. 

    Apart from this, we can also apply to dental veneers to protect our healthy and good teeth. 

  • How long does the Dental Veneer Process take?

    Although the duration of tooth veneer varies according to the number and condition of the teeth, you can generally get your new teeth in 3-7 days. In the first session, the dentist takes x-rays together with a detailed dental examination to see the general condition. After the situation is determined, measurements are taken and if necessary, the mold is removed. To determine the closest shade to your teeth, colors are selected from color guide samples and sent to the professional laboratory. If necessary, the tooth is protected with a temporary veneer. A few days later, your doctor will put on your real veneers. If needed, local anesthesia is performed both when taking measurements and when installing new dental veneers. Sometimes these procedures are not needed at all and you can get brand new teeth with a little intervention in just one or two sessions. 

  • How long do dental veneers last?

    Dental veneers, which are made of quality materials and a talented doctor, can last more than 15-20 years thanks to the technology developed in recent years. As with your normal teeth, paying attention to dental care and proper cleaning will prolong the life of dental veneers. 

  • Is Turkey safe for dental veneers?

    Dentistry is very developed in Turkey. Dentists in Turkey have long-term internship periods along with a very demanding and long education. In Turkey, dental examination is under the guarantee of the state, except for some aesthetic procedures. Dentists have the opportunity to practice more, both in the private sector and in public hospitals. Thanks to this practice, they have the opportunity to provide a much faster and perfect service. 

  • How much do dental veneers cost in Turkey?

    Turkey is one of the most suitable places for tooth coating in terms of price-performance ratio. You can have your dental veneer done in Turkey at a more affordable price than in Europe and America. With the health packages offered by Noyan Health & Travel, you can both have your holiday in a 5-star hotel and get your brand-new teeth at the end of the holiday. Dental work prices in Turkey are quite affordable and competitive. Check out Noyan Health & Travel's dental veneers package prices in Turkey. 

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